Very easy to make and they last for over a week in the fridge. Great for meal prep!
- 1 can of chickpeas (250g)
- 1 small eggplant
- Olive oil
- Salt, pepper and paprika
- Lemon juice
- Polenta flour
- Cook the eggplant in olive oil for 5-6 minutes until soft
- Put the chickpeas in a mixer and blend until creamy
- Add the eggplants and keep mixing until soft
- Add salt, pepper, paprika and a squeeze of lemon
- Roll into small balls (you should be able to make 16)
- Bake at 180 for 30 min
Nutrition information per one serving (4 polpette): 110kcal, 14g carbs, 6g fiber, 5 g protein and 1g of fats.